Friday, December 3, 2010

Really rouch draft for presentation

Presentation format
Each walk in wearing Aggies for Africa t-shirt with a number of how many shoes we own.
What Is Aggies for Africa
What we do
Why we do it

Why is it important to wear shoes?
What diseases can you get?
Hookworm (parasite):
This is almost entirely confined to tropical, third-world countries where people habitually walk in soil contaminated by the excrement of infected humans and domestic animals. In the 1940s, hookworm occurred in some regions of the southern USA but has largely disappeared even there thanks to improved sanitation. The chance of getting hookworm from barefoot hiking on trails in a temperate region such as North America or Europe is very small. Hookworm is easily treatable with vermifuges such as tetrachloroethylene: its prevalence in tropical regions is largely a matter of public health, due to poor sanitation and lack of access to medical facilities.


Lowers thew risk of Cause- Podoconiosis, also known as Mossy Foot, is a progressive disease contracted from not wearing shoes. When people farm in fields all day without shoes in countries such as Ethiopia where there is volcanic soil. Volcanic soil contains microscopic particles of volcanic glass, or silica, which penetrates through the pores into the lymphatic system.
How you can help

Monday, November 22, 2010

Final Press Release: 4

Eat Field Fresh

Organic food comes to you.

San Joanquin Valley, CALIF- Lone Oak Ranch Private Markets, comes to you and provides seasonal produce of your choice at low cost.

Since 1874, this family-owned farm has been selling fresh produce and working with farmers. The LOR covers San Diego to the Bay Area. The LOR has established strong relationships with farmers all over California to bring their produce to businesses and schools. These establishments have the opportunity to eat “Field Fresh” produce within 48 hours.

LOR is different from the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) because they offer no contracts. The CSA wants you to sign up for membership or “Sign a policy form”. ( LOR provides no obligation to the customer to purchase or sign a pre-payment. They require two parking-spots privately owned and two hours a week to sell the produce.

LOR mission statement:

LOR Private Markets is dedicated to providing a convenient alternative to CSA programs (Community Supported Agriculture), Farmers Markets and big box grocery stores, in that we come to you. By encouraging people to eat seasonally we are able to promote a more sustainable food culture, plus it gives you the opportunity to enjoy the vast variety of produce that California agriculture has to offer.

For more information or to sign up for these services please visit


Ashley Erwin

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Press Release 4

Eat Field Fresh

Organic food comes to you.

SAN JOANQUIN VALLEY, CALIF- Lone Oak Ranch Private Markets, comes to you and provides seasonal produce of your choice at low cost.

Since 1874, this family-owned farm has been selling fresh produce and working with famers. The LOR covers from San Diego to the Bay Area. The LOR has established strong relationships with farmers all over California to bring their produce to businesses and schools. These establishments have the opportunity to eat “Field Fresh” produce within 48 hours.

LOR is different from the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) because they offer no contracts. The CSA wants you to sign up for membership or “Sign a policy form,” LOR provides no obligation to the customer to purchase or sign a pre-payment. They require two parking-spots privately owned and two hours a week.

LOR mission statement:

LOR Private Markets is dedicated to providing a convenient alternative to CSA programs (Community Supported Agriculture), Farmers Markets and big box grocery stores, in that we come to you. By encouraging people to eat seasonally we are able to promote a more sustainable food culture, plus it gives you the opportunity to enjoy the vast variety of produce that California agriculture has to offer.
For more information or to sign up for these services please visit


Ashley Erwin

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Media Pitch CVAILA


Karla Garcia,

The Cache Valley Area Investors Association are currently holding meetings in Logan, Utah. This will benefit the community and will help them become financially independent. With the unemployment rate being 7.8 percent and with businesses closing left and right, I know this will be a great opportunity to let others know about this association. The key is to enrich our society with passive income tips and watch the economy blossom. We have a chance to change these difficult times and to increase assets. By making a publication about this we can ease resident's financial troubles.

The Organization was started in 2007 by Preston Parker. People were complaining about their jobs to him and asking how they could be financially stable, so the meetings began. They teach how you can work at a job you love, not because you have to.

The CVAILA meets for open-ended conversation and questions; on the first and third Thursday of every month. On the first, they meet at the Chambers of Commerce and on the third, they meet at Café Sabor, Hamiliton’s or Elements. The meetings are “Open-minded, nobody should feel like they can’t ask a question,” President Parker said. There is no fee involved to attend.

Cache Valley Area Investors Association (CVAILA) teaches people how to increase passive income. CVAIA embraces the Law of Attraction, Law of abundance, and Law of Exchange. The members come together with the same belief: that education mitigates the risks of investing.

For more information or to arrange an interview please contact:

Public Relations Spokesperson

Ashley Erwin

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Final Press Release 3: Cause Promotion

Oct. 5, 2010
Preston Park, President
400 North 500 West
Logan, UT 84321

Cache Valley Area Investors Association

- Cache Valley Area Investors Association is giving the opportunity to those who want become financially independent to meet with them. The CVAILA wants to show people how to have greater assets.

The CVAILA was started in 2007 by Preston Parker. People were complaining about their jobs to President Parker and asking how they could be self-reliant. He then, activated these meetings. They teach how you can work at a job you love, not because you have to.

“Most Americans don’t believe they can become financially independent,” President Parker said. With the encouragement of books like; Automatic Millionaire and Millionaire Next Year, President Parker has come up with a plan to increase static earnings, with little work.

The CVAILA meets for open-ended conversation and questions; on first and third Thursday of every month. The first, they meet at the Chambers of Commerce and the third, they meet at Café Sabor, Hamiliton’s or Elements.

Cache Valley Area Investors Association (CVAILA) teaches people how to increase passive income. CVAIA embraces the Law of Attraction, Law of abundance, and Law of Exchange. The members come together with the same belief: that education mitigates the risks of investing.

For more information please vist

Public Affairs Representative
Ashley Erwin

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Draft Press Realease 3: Cause Promotion

Ashley Kiefert-Erwin
JCOM 2310
Draft Press Realease 3: Cause Promotion
Preston Park, President
LOGAN,Utah- Cache Valley

“The cause is to educate people so they can understand how to become finacially independent.” They have 80 members the meet the first and third members

“Fisrt Thursday meet at chambers at commers Cahe Valley. Third they meet a Café Sabor of Hamilitons. The cause is important because, Most middle class americans don’t believe they can become finaically indepenant”

“It’s planned orchetstrated and excuted. “
“Typical Americans get indepentant in 7-10 years”
“Not finaically freedom, there is not such thing. You can make deicisons that will make you independent. Most people that finicaially independent you would never know that they are, they drive small cars.
“If you can get your expenses down and your passive income up..
Passive income: investments
Investors caused the recession because of greediness.”
Invest in time and assests and experiences, your credit.”
You can take out a loan and make them pay interest. “You get a check in the mail just for letting some take out a loan.”
“Earned income, we all have done that or we would be at Harvard.”
P[assive income you don’t have to show up.
What are some other organizations that compare? There are non in Cachvalley.
“Automatic Millionair”—Find Quotes about these books. Get this is your final
“I started it because people would ask me all these questions on what they should do.I was sick of people of complaining about their jobs. You need a new job.”
There Is too much oppurtunity in America to not like your job”
August 2007 started started thinking about it two years ago
“He use to drive every wensday to Sandy to teach people about this.”
Assests relate to liabilites You want to accquire assest.
Sometimes they have speakers sometimes we just sit around and talk.”
“Openminded, nobody should feel like they can’t ask a question.”
“Play cash-flow game.”
Paying yourself 10% and 6month fund
Mentions Dave Ramsey—look up
Never have to take out loans.
When you have passive income to
No cost, board of 5 members”
If people learn the right mentally and approchaes to investing, they can all be succesful in what they desire. People should be able to spend their time doing something they love, not just as a job that provides an income. Passive income largely makes this possible. There are many organizations with the stated goal of helping people understand the relationship between assets, liabilities, income, expenses. They had practice the methods found in the ideologies of books including Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Wealthy Barber, The Millionaire Next Door, atlas Shrugged, The Automatic Millionaire and the Secret.
Cache Valley Area Investors Association (CVAILA) teaches people how to increase passive income. CVAIA embraces the Law of Attraction, Law of abundance, and Law of Exchange. CVAIA began in August 2007 and now has members from many geographical locations and from all walks of life. The members come together with the same belief: that education mitigates the risks of investing.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Final Press Release 2

New Release

Burger Planet Inc
Gary, Indiana
90210 USA

Ashley Erwin
Public Relations
Office: 707-577-8888


Would you like sliced-apples with that?

Gary, Ind. (Sept. 28, 2010
)-Burger planet is adding healthy choices to their menus. For years you have been asked, would you like fries with that? Can I Super size that for you? This is all changing. Burger restaurants, including Burger Planet, are changing their menus and advertising to interest their customers in a healthy way of life.

Recent studies show that women with children, between the ages of 30-49, do not eat at Burger Planet. Burger Planet plans to show families can come to their restaurant and eat healthy. Burger Planet now has options of five different fruits, instead of fries, with no extra charge. They have gourmet salads and white chicken to cut calories. Mayo can add on 500 calories, but now at Burger Planet, they will hold the mayo is asked.

Mascot’s get your attention. They are a symbol of a company. You can’t look at a tiger, with a red bandana, without thinking of Frosted Flakes. “They’re always after me lucky charms,” does this ring a bell? Advertisers have been using these characters to attract your attention for years. Corny the Clown, who represents Burger Planet, will be traveling and promoting a healthy lifestyle with fitness adviser Jayne Peterson. New commercials will be aired. One shows Corny the Clown jogging into Burger Planet ordering one of their new low-carb entrees. Corny the Clown will be paired up with Jayne Peterson, going all over the country, to different malls to promote nutritional packets. This will be a great attention grabber for children. Children’s voices are raised to the parents. This means, Burger Planet will be the family restaurant for all ages once again. Planet plan’s on offering healthy choices so the customer will be satisfied.

James E. Muellenbach III founded Burger Planet in 1934. Burger Planet has served 52 billion customers and is the world’s most popular fast-food restaurant. Their head-quarters are in Indiana and employ 48,272 people. Burger Planet has 8,921 franchises and is in 17 countries. James E. Muellenbach is retired and the current president of Quick Service Restaurant Industry.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Draft Press Release 2: Image Building

Would you like sliced-apples with that?

Burger Planet has served 52 billion customers since 1934. Burger planet is adding healthy choices to their menus. For years you have been asked, would you like fries with that? Can I Super Size that for you? This is all changing. Burger restaurants, including Burger Planet, are changing their menus and advertising to interest their customers in a healthy way of life.

Recent studies show that women with children, between the ages of 30-49, do not eat at Burger Planet. Burger Planet plans to show families can come to their restaurant and eat healthy. Burger Planet now has options of five different fruits, instead of fries, with no extra charge. They have gourmet salads and white chicken to cut calories. Mayo can add on 500 calories, but now at Burger Planet, they will hold the mayo if asked.

Mascot’s get your attention. They are a symbol of a company. You can’t look at a tiger, with a red bandanna, without thinking of Frosted Flakes. “They’re always after me lucky charms,” does this ring a bell? Advertisers have been using these characters to attract your attention for years. Corny the Clown, who represents Burger Planet, will be traveling and promoting a healthy lifestyle with fitness adviser Jayne Peterson. New commercials will be aired. One commercial shows Corny the Clown jogging into Burger Planet ordering one of their new low-carb entrees. Corny the Clown and Jayne Peterson, will be going all over the country, to different malls to promote nutritional packets. This will be a great attention grabber for children. Adolescent voices are raised to the parents. This means, Burger Planet will be the family restaurant for all ages once again. Burger Planet plan’s on offering healthy choices so the customer will be satisfied.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Final Press Release 1: Announcement

Press Release 1: Announcement
For Immediate Release
Date: Sept. 14, 2010
Social Media Club of Cache Valley (SMCCV)
851 N. Main St.
Logan, UT 84321
Contact: Preston Parker
(661) 772-7537

Cache Valley Social Media Club

LOGAN, Utah- Advance your knowledge on social media and networking by conversing with the Social Media Club of Cache Valley (SMCCV). They share ideas and information on current social networks and show you how to use them.

What’s in it for you? Social networking may benefit you in these ways; make more money, enhance you business, find internships, promote a campaign and improve communication skills. If you are interested in these advantages, you should read the rest of this paper.

Facebook and Twitter are fast developing networks. Facebook Statistics said they have, “More than 500 million active users.” Find out if you are missing this opportunity to network.

SMCCV meets every second Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Borders bookstore. Or learn how to use Twitter on the third Tuesay at Café Sabor. This non-profit organization helps small businesses owners to mommy bloggers twice a month.

President of SMCCV, Preston Parker, said, “No one person can know everything about social media; together we can learn everything.”

For more information check out,, and

Thursday, September 9, 2010

United Breaks Guitars

Dave Carroll sat and watched his $3,500 Taylor guitar get damaged by United Airlines employee. United Airline refused to pay for the damage and ignored Dave’s request to have it fixed.

This traveling musician, Dave Carroll, didn’t want to fight over his damaged goods. He just wanted United Airlines to pay for that which they rightfully smashed, his Taylor Guitar. The songs he made about United Airlines and breaking his guitar, neither cusses, nor has any discriminating lyrics against United Airlines, it simply tells the story of what happened in a playful and droll way. The lyrics to the songs never say; don’t fly with or I hate, United. He merely sings that they are being unfair. Dave has now made three songs about United Airlines, on which he fairly told United Airlines he would be doing before he began the process, that have changed the way United Airlines deal with their customers.

United Airlines had a chance to give him $1,200 to repair his guitar and leave. Instead they chose to put him on a wild-goose chase; 1-800 numbers, phone calls to foreign places, no-reply emails and telling him he needs to “talk to someone else.” Dave Carroll said, “The system is designed to frustrate affected customers into giving up their claims and United is very good at it but I realized then that as a songwriter and traveling musician I wasn’t without options. “

Dave’s plan was genius. He didn’t pay for any advertising or celebrities to back him up this issue. He used the free mass media, YouTube, to expose his experience in a music video of what happened with United Airlines. YouTube viewers had the option to watch it or not, but, by them watching it has now made him an international celebrity. Millions of people have viewed that video and probably have changed their thought to fly with United Airline.

Dave said, “I wrote it with no expectations or obligations. The idea just spilled out. In the Bible and in mythology, it is a bird that can transcend heaven and earth.”

Dave did exactly that, he rose above the big-cats and used mass media to stand up for himself. He reached out to the public and showed them the lack of customer service skills that United Airlines had. This multibillion dollar company could have spared a couple thousand dollars to have Dave’s guitar fixed, but they chose not to.

Dave has a “new career as a public speaker. He spoke in Washington DC at a U.S. Congressional Passenger’s Bill of Rights hearing for leaders and lawmakers…” Dave Carroll biography says. Mass media has made his career explode. He may have spent under three grand making that music video and now he is speaking at the White house.

“Music is the only thing I’ve been doing to make a living for years,” said Dave. “I’ve never had a day job, so by that definition I’ve been successful. But as an indie artist it is tough to make your way – so this is my record deal, my chance of stepping up.” Dave not only put United Airlines in their place, but he also has contributed to relief funds and now does presentations on customer service for other companies.

Ethically, I think Dave dealt with this very well. He let the public decide to make him popular or not. He did not protest with pickets, or use crude, foul, language or behavior. The public helped him to reach his goal for what he wanted United Airlines to do, fix his broken guitar. Because of Dave, United Airlines “ made a donation to a charity that provides music education to underprivileged children…” They also decided, “To change their policy for the customers…” As read on the television show the “View.”

The public can lift you, or destroy you.

Your voice counts.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Letter to Cousin

Dear Cousin,

"The caterpillar does all the work but the butterfly gets all the publicity."
George Carlin

I have decided to become a butterfly. I want to be the person that communicates and builds relationships with others to satisfy the community’s needs or a company I work for.
I want to be a public relations major. I will be there promoting campaigns or introducing upcoming events to the public. In this case I get to be; a leader, a goal setter, protect company image, but I also have to maintain an image for trust and communication for myself. I have to have them not just like me, but love me. They have to trust me with information and  I can share that with others in a true and beneficial way for the public. 

My job will never be the same. I get to meet new people every day. Don’t act like this doesn’t sound like fun. It’s like trying a new flavor of ice cream every day. Some ice cream is creamy, delicious, exquisite, mouth-watering and others taste like pistachio. When you’re dealing with the public you never know what you are going to get. The Schwarzenegger became governor, Lindsay Lohan finally got what she deserved and BP is still trying to clean up their mess. That's PR for you.

Where will I work? Well, I have come up with a short list for you. Ahem.

  • Corporations
  • Educations  
  • Sports
  • PR firms
  • Advertising
  • Government
  • Religious organizations
  • Business organizations, chamber comers, tourism, trade association
  • Professional organizations, clubs, social groups, do good in the community
  • News Media, Newspapers, Television
  • Nonprofit organization 
  • Celebrities
  • Health care
  • Community affairs
  • Public information
  • Marketing

All of these places need someone like me, a PR professional.

People love the butterfly and usually squash the caterpillar.

Can I stand out and make a difference? Please use your non-judgmental attitude and give me straight advice. Thanks Cousin.