Friday, December 3, 2010

Really rouch draft for presentation

Presentation format
Each walk in wearing Aggies for Africa t-shirt with a number of how many shoes we own.
What Is Aggies for Africa
What we do
Why we do it

Why is it important to wear shoes?
What diseases can you get?
Hookworm (parasite):
This is almost entirely confined to tropical, third-world countries where people habitually walk in soil contaminated by the excrement of infected humans and domestic animals. In the 1940s, hookworm occurred in some regions of the southern USA but has largely disappeared even there thanks to improved sanitation. The chance of getting hookworm from barefoot hiking on trails in a temperate region such as North America or Europe is very small. Hookworm is easily treatable with vermifuges such as tetrachloroethylene: its prevalence in tropical regions is largely a matter of public health, due to poor sanitation and lack of access to medical facilities.


Lowers thew risk of Cause- Podoconiosis, also known as Mossy Foot, is a progressive disease contracted from not wearing shoes. When people farm in fields all day without shoes in countries such as Ethiopia where there is volcanic soil. Volcanic soil contains microscopic particles of volcanic glass, or silica, which penetrates through the pores into the lymphatic system.
How you can help

1 comment:

  1. Good start! I think the layout of the presentation is great.
