Thursday, October 28, 2010

Press Release 4

Eat Field Fresh

Organic food comes to you.

SAN JOANQUIN VALLEY, CALIF- Lone Oak Ranch Private Markets, comes to you and provides seasonal produce of your choice at low cost.

Since 1874, this family-owned farm has been selling fresh produce and working with famers. The LOR covers from San Diego to the Bay Area. The LOR has established strong relationships with farmers all over California to bring their produce to businesses and schools. These establishments have the opportunity to eat “Field Fresh” produce within 48 hours.

LOR is different from the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) because they offer no contracts. The CSA wants you to sign up for membership or “Sign a policy form,” LOR provides no obligation to the customer to purchase or sign a pre-payment. They require two parking-spots privately owned and two hours a week.

LOR mission statement:

LOR Private Markets is dedicated to providing a convenient alternative to CSA programs (Community Supported Agriculture), Farmers Markets and big box grocery stores, in that we come to you. By encouraging people to eat seasonally we are able to promote a more sustainable food culture, plus it gives you the opportunity to enjoy the vast variety of produce that California agriculture has to offer.
For more information or to sign up for these services please visit


Ashley Erwin

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