Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Draft Press Realease 3: Cause Promotion

Ashley Kiefert-Erwin
JCOM 2310
Draft Press Realease 3: Cause Promotion
Preston Park, President
LOGAN,Utah- Cache Valley

“The cause is to educate people so they can understand how to become finacially independent.” They have 80 members the meet the first and third members

“Fisrt Thursday meet at chambers at commers Cahe Valley. Third they meet a Café Sabor of Hamilitons. The cause is important because, Most middle class americans don’t believe they can become finaically indepenant”

“It’s planned orchetstrated and excuted. “
“Typical Americans get indepentant in 7-10 years”
“Not finaically freedom, there is not such thing. You can make deicisons that will make you independent. Most people that finicaially independent you would never know that they are, they drive small cars.
“If you can get your expenses down and your passive income up..
Passive income: investments
Investors caused the recession because of greediness.”
Invest in time and assests and experiences, your credit.”
You can take out a loan and make them pay interest. “You get a check in the mail just for letting some take out a loan.”
“Earned income, we all have done that or we would be at Harvard.”
P[assive income you don’t have to show up.
What are some other organizations that compare? There are non in Cachvalley.
“Automatic Millionair”—Find Quotes about these books. Get this is your final
“I started it because people would ask me all these questions on what they should do.I was sick of people of complaining about their jobs. You need a new job.”
There Is too much oppurtunity in America to not like your job”
August 2007 started started thinking about it two years ago
“He use to drive every wensday to Sandy to teach people about this.”
Assests relate to liabilites You want to accquire assest.
Sometimes they have speakers sometimes we just sit around and talk.”
“Openminded, nobody should feel like they can’t ask a question.”
“Play cash-flow game.”
Paying yourself 10% and 6month fund
Mentions Dave Ramsey—look up
Never have to take out loans.
When you have passive income to
No cost, board of 5 members”
If people learn the right mentally and approchaes to investing, they can all be succesful in what they desire. People should be able to spend their time doing something they love, not just as a job that provides an income. Passive income largely makes this possible. There are many organizations with the stated goal of helping people understand the relationship between assets, liabilities, income, expenses. They had practice the methods found in the ideologies of books including Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Wealthy Barber, The Millionaire Next Door, atlas Shrugged, The Automatic Millionaire and the Secret.
Cache Valley Area Investors Association (CVAILA) teaches people how to increase passive income. CVAIA embraces the Law of Attraction, Law of abundance, and Law of Exchange. CVAIA began in August 2007 and now has members from many geographical locations and from all walks of life. The members come together with the same belief: that education mitigates the risks of investing.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, especially already finishing the final part!! Good quote with a great flow of info
