Monday, September 27, 2010

Draft Press Release 2: Image Building

Would you like sliced-apples with that?

Burger Planet has served 52 billion customers since 1934. Burger planet is adding healthy choices to their menus. For years you have been asked, would you like fries with that? Can I Super Size that for you? This is all changing. Burger restaurants, including Burger Planet, are changing their menus and advertising to interest their customers in a healthy way of life.

Recent studies show that women with children, between the ages of 30-49, do not eat at Burger Planet. Burger Planet plans to show families can come to their restaurant and eat healthy. Burger Planet now has options of five different fruits, instead of fries, with no extra charge. They have gourmet salads and white chicken to cut calories. Mayo can add on 500 calories, but now at Burger Planet, they will hold the mayo if asked.

Mascot’s get your attention. They are a symbol of a company. You can’t look at a tiger, with a red bandanna, without thinking of Frosted Flakes. “They’re always after me lucky charms,” does this ring a bell? Advertisers have been using these characters to attract your attention for years. Corny the Clown, who represents Burger Planet, will be traveling and promoting a healthy lifestyle with fitness adviser Jayne Peterson. New commercials will be aired. One commercial shows Corny the Clown jogging into Burger Planet ordering one of their new low-carb entrees. Corny the Clown and Jayne Peterson, will be going all over the country, to different malls to promote nutritional packets. This will be a great attention grabber for children. Adolescent voices are raised to the parents. This means, Burger Planet will be the family restaurant for all ages once again. Burger Planet plan’s on offering healthy choices so the customer will be satisfied.



  1. hey! i thought you did a great job on this press release! You had a very catchy opening paragraph which caught my interest and made me want to read and learn more about the company!

  2. Good Job! You did good research and had a lot of information.

  3. Good work! I really liked all of your information and it was entertaining for me to read. It doesn't look like you have any of the formating of a press release yet but I'm sure you will do that for the final! :)
